
Hello all!

It’s been a quiet few weeks in my world…no major traveling to report, or dramas.  In short, my life has been pretty boring and that’s just fine with me 🙂

I’ve had a chance to knit a lot lately and I’m nearly done knitting my Central Park Hoodie.  I’ve modified the pattern slightly – it originally called for worsted weight yarn and #8 needles, but I had a bunch of Wool of the Andes yarn in bulky weight that I had bought to make another sweater, and decided to use this yarn for the CPH instead (the original sweater this yarn was for has a TON of cabling and intricate stitches…and the black color just doesn’t do it justice.  If I’m going to spend weeks and weeks working on this pattern, you better believe it’s going to be in a color that shows all that hard work off!).  So, I’ve modified the CPH pattern and am using #10 needles instead.  So far, so good…and hopefully it will fit when it’s all finished! 😀

I’ve got my next projects all lined up (some socks, a bag, a cloche hat, and two more sweaters) and I’m picking out the yarns today.  One of my favorite websites in the world is Knit Picks.  If you’re a knitter, and you haven’t visited them yet, DO IT NOW.  I’ll probably spend $75 on yarn today, but I’ll have enough for all these projects and then some.  Buying this kind of high-quality yarn in a yarn shop nearby would run me the same amount, just for one of the sweaters.  Besides, Boston has lots to offer shoppers…but yarn shops are unfortunately not part of that equation.  My favorite yarn shop in Harvard Sq. closed just about a year ago and I haven’t really found a good replacement. Knit Picks fills that void and then some.  True, I wish the shipping was a little quicker, but if it means waiting an extra few days for some yummy angora that is less than my daily cup of coffee, I think that might be a good trade-off 🙂

Stuff in the lab is slowly chugging along as well…I’ve been waiting for some sequencing data to arrive and my cells to grow.  Joy.  I think this momentary lull in the action is just the dark before the storm.  Check back with me in a week 🙂

The boy and I have been watching the Tour de France lately – and before you roll your eyes, let me assure you that it’s a good time!  There is a LOT of strategy involved in winning this race than just peddling fast.  No human being can go 20+ days at top speed over mountains and expect to survive.  The riders need to use their heads as well as their muscles.  It doesn’t look like Lance Armstrong is going to win the whole thing this time around, but my second favorite ride, Andy Schleck, is currently wearing yellow, and that’s just fine by me 🙂

This weekend looks to be filled with more TdF (especially if my boyfriend makes another yummy breakfast like he did last weekend – it makes getting up at 7:30 am on a Saturday more bearable) and maybe some flea marketing…and some gardening…and some knitting…and some scrapbooking…

July 14, 2010. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.